To stack 41P comet I used for the first time PixInsight. Unfortunately (or fortunately?;-) DSS failed to select the comet on a single frame, so I switched to PI. Finally after several hours try & error and many tutorials I was able to manage the comet. See here the used processing steps:
Comet Processing
- To simplify the process I use BatchPreprocessing to generate calibrated, debayered and registered images. These steps also can be done manually.
- Run BatchPreprocessing
To save time, uncheck “Apply” in Image Integration section. BatchPreprocessing is only used here to calibrate, debayer and register the raw files. - Create comet-only Image:
Run CometAlignment
- Add Registered Images (c_d_r files)
- Select Reference Image somewhere in the middle
- Set selected image as reference
- Select destination folder
- Open first and last image
- Set comet position
- Start processing
- ImageIntegration with comet aligned images (c_d_r_ca)
Save generated image as xisf file! It’s needed later to subtract it from the stars-only images.
With LinearFit low value 4.000 and high value 1.000 I reached the best quality (star trails almost invisible in comet only image), but play around with low and high values… - Create stars-only Image:
CometAlignment again with registered images (c_d_r) to generate a stars-only image
- Set same reference image like step 2
- change postfix to _stars or something else
- select destination folder
- Open first and last image (like in step 2)
- Set comet position (like in step 2)
- subtract comet aligned .xisf image generated in step 3, set “Reject high” to 0.5
- ImageIntegration with stars-only images (c_d_r_stars)
- If you want, crop both images, but by the exactly same way
- Combine comet-only and stars-only images
Combine the 2 images with PixelMath expression: CometImage+StarsImage
- The combined image can now be processed like any other image: ABE/DBE, BackgroundNeutralitation, ColorCalibration, …
Rejection Algorithms
- < 12 images: Sigma Clipping (or Percentile Clipping)
- 13-20 images: Winsorized Sigma
- > 20 images: Linear Fit Clipping
1 comment
Very clear tutorial, my compliments