I got a new 3D printed polar scope illuminator adapter for my Star Adventurer.
It should be delivered with the Star Adventurer… IMO it’s absolutely neccessary to be able checking polar alignment with all equipment mounted, or simply to check polaris position during a session.
Get your own adapter
Visit the website of the producer/designer: http://www.astrokraken.fr.
And this is the new, 3D printed adapter (with illuminator):
See here my old self-made adapter.
Hi! Thanks for showing us this wonderful solution for the illumator problem with the Star Adventurer. Is it possible to also get this adapter? Where can I buy it in Switzerland?
Hi. My adapter is from a small private production. My supplier will ask the producer to made a little serie… I’ll contact you if it’s ready.
Thank you very much, I’ll be very happy to buy this adapter!
Ich wäre auch an so einem Adapter interessiert, sofern es noch eine weitere Serie gibt. Gruss Sascha
Hallo Sascha. Hier kann der Adapter für CHF 10.- bestellt werden: http://psengineering.ch/Articles-psengineering/. Zum Bestellen einfach das Kontaktformular verwenden. Versand usw. direkt mit psengineering aushandeln. CS, Karol
Are you doing your polar alignment manually? Or do you use some kind of routine/aid -drift alignment or qhy polemaster? I’m shooting at~ 350mm focal length with a portable mount -ioptron skyguider pro and so far haven’t had any problems but I’ve only been shooting 75sec subs because I am unguided…soon i would like to guide to get longer subexposures (perhaps using the mgen autoguider as you do) but I am concerned that the accuracy of my polar alignment may not be sufficient at longer subexposures. Any thoughts?
Thanks for sharing your experience in astrophotography!
Hi. I do the polar alignment always manually. If I shoot at 400mm I do it as carefully as possible and the result were good enough in my opinion. I was able to go up to 180seconds at 400mm with acceptable results 🙂
I would try it doing manually, and if you’re not satisfied, then you can align with helping tools. But thats much more time consuming than only manually alignment…
Clear Skies
I would also be interested in purchasing 1 or 2 adapters. I plan to buy a sky adventurer, and understand this is a must have item.
Can a few be ordered, what is her price if so, Ana is PayPal accepted?
Hi. Unfortunately I don’t sell this adapters. If you want order one, you can look here: http://www.astrokraken.fr.
I have nothing to do with this page http://www.astrokraken.fr. So if you have questions about the ordering you have to ask directly on the website http://www.astrokraken.fr.
Clear Skies