Comparison of M33, 2015 and 2016
The images are taken from my home at Derendingen with the Skywatcher Star Adventurer and Manfrotto 190PRO3 tripod.
2015 image re-stacked and re-processed in PixInsight.
M33 – 2015:
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L, EOS 100D
18 x 120s (36min)
6 Darks, 10 Bias
No guiding
M33 – 2016:
Canon EF 400mm f/5-6L, EOS 70D
115 x 70s (134min)
43 Darks, 107 Bias
MGEN2 auto guider, Dithering active
Resolution of the 400mm image reduced to fit the field of view of the 200mm.
I like the effect of the Dithering to the background noise structures… they are almost unvisible on the 400mm compared to the 200mm 🙂 Ok, 6 x more lights and 7 x more darks in 2016 surely have also a big impact to the background noise.
Just want to see my progress in the last year 🙂